Marie, a living food & holistic well-being coach, presents chlorella to you: its benefits, its uses & lets you discover 3 simple and quick recipes!
Discover Marie's video here .
Chlorella is a freshwater microalgae that is grown in Portugal in a closed environment to remain pure throughout its growth.
First a focus on the benefits:
Chlorella has detoxifying qualities and antioxidant & purifying properties. The longevity of the Japanese could be due to the consumption of this micro algae.
It has the particularity of capturing heavy metals (from certain foods &
pollution) into our body so that they can be evacuated by our emunctories.
It is therefore interesting to know that the 4 main organs responsible for eliminating our toxins are:
- The intestines (importance of eliminating through regular transit)
- The kidneys (they filter a large number of toxins which they will eliminate through urine)
- The lungs (importance of breathing well and getting oxygen)
- The skin (dry brushing of the skin and the sauna / steam room allow to eliminate well through the skin + sweating through physical activity)
Chlorella consumption is all the more necessary if your emunctory organs are weak, it allows you to eliminate heavy metals and other impurities more easily.
- Micro-algae Rich in B12 and iron
- rich in vitamin A
- rich in many B vitamins
- Contains a lot of chlorophyll, chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants (fresh herbs, green leafy vegetables & various algae). Chlorophyll is the "green blood" of the plant, it is at the heart of photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll is that it will cleanse the digestive system, and help regenerate / purify the intestinal flora. It also has the ability to transport oxygen to the tissues.
In addition, the amino acids and tryptophan it contains have a positive effect on our sleep.
Through its action it will tone your muscles, improve your memory, and prevent aging.
Here are some simple recipes:
Recipes :
1/ Detox smoothie for beautiful skin
- 2 bananas (fresh or frozen)
- 1 cup mango (fresh or frozen)
- 4 pitted dates
- 1/2 tsp chlorella
- Water / Coconut water
2/ Green leafy vegetable juice to fill up on vitality
- 6 celery stalks
- 3 granny smith apples
- 1 small lime
- 1 little bit of ginger
- 1/2 tsp chlorella
- to mix in a Sol Semilla shaker
3/ In a seaweed tartare with avocado
- Mix ½ teaspoon of chlorella with the seaweed tartare
- Crush an avocado
- Spread a layer of each on a slice of bread or cracker
- Decorate with a few olives & sprigs of fresh parsley or coriander
This plant having active ingredients, it is normal that the assumption is gentle and progressive for your body.
So start with 1/4 teaspoon for the first 3 days, then 1/2 teaspoon, then 1 teaspoon.