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Tout sur la Klamath poudre biologique: valeurs nutritionnelles, allégations

All about Klamath Organic Powder: Nutritional Values, Claims

Like other freshwater microalgae (Spirulina, Chlorella), the origin of Klamath dates back to the very beginning of organic life on earth. Unlike its sisters that can now be cultivated, Klamath is a wild algae, collected in only one place in the world: Klamath Lake in Oregon (USA), a pure preserved microcosm. Considered one of the most complete foods that exist in nature as well as one of the densest adaptogens, Klamath has so many nutrients that it is impossible to list them on a label. This is why we decided to write a separate document to give thanks to this exceptional food as well as the fruit of our analyses and research. 1. Nutritional values Name Value for 100g Percentage for 100g* Energy 361.00 kcal Fats 4.44 g of which saturated fatty acids 0.002 g Carbohydrates 19.00 g including sugars 0.80 g Dietary Fiber 5.50 g Proteins 73.79 g Salt 0.50 g Beta Carotene 135,601 µg Retinol - Vit A 22,600 µg 2,825% Tocopherol - Vit E 275.17 mg 2,293% Vitamin K 2,640 µg 3,520% Thiamine - Vit B1 24.1 mg 2,191% Niacin - Vit B3 410 mg 2,563% Folic Acid - Vit B9 7,200 µg 3,600% Cobalamin - Vit B12 38,000 µg 1,520,000% Pantothenic Acid - Vit B5 160 mg 2,667% Iodine 2,510 µg 1,673% Arginine 4 120 mg Lysine 3,350 mg Glutamine 14,000 mg Name Value for portion of 2g Percentage for portion of 2g Energy 7.22 kcal Fats 0.99 g of which saturated fatty acids 0.00 g Carbohydrates 0.38 g including sugars 0.02 g Dietary Fiber 0.11 g Proteins 1.48 g Salt 0.01 g Beta Carotene Retinol - Vit A 452 µg 56.5% Tocopherol - Vit E 5.50 mg 45.9% Vitamin K 52.80 µg 70.4% Thiamine - Vit B1 0.48 mg 43.8% Niacin - Vit B3 8.20 mg 51.3% Folic Acid - Vit B9 144 µg 72.0% Cobalamin - Vit B12 760 µg 30 400% Pantothenic Acid - Vit B5 3.20 mg 53.3% Iodine 50.20 µg 33.5% Arginine 82.40 mg Lysine 67.00 mg Glutamine 280.00 mg * Reference intake for a typical adult (8,400 kJ / 2,000 kcal) Vitamin A is present as pro-vitamin A or Beta-carotene in Klamath. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. 2. Allegations For the portion, the Klamath is: Low energy value. Rich in protein. Very low in salt. 2.1 Immune System Vitamins A, B9 (Folate) and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. 2.2 Antioxidant / Oxidative Stress Vitamin E helps protect cells against oxidative stress. 2.3 Cardiac System Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) contributes to normal heart function. Vitamins B9 (Folate) and B12 contribute to the normal formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B9 (Folate) contributes to normal blood formation. Vitamin B12 contributes to normal homocysteine ​​metabolism. Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting. 2.4 Psychological Functions Vitamins B3 and B12 contribute to normal psychological functions. Vitamins B3 and B12 as well as Iodine are necessary for normal mental functioning. Vitamin B9 contributes to maintaining cognitive performance. Vitamin B12 supports cognitive performance. Vitamins B3, B5 and B12 are essential for mental functioning and mental performance. They: contribute to maintaining activity, memory, perception of the environment, particularly in elderly subjects. promote mental focus. stimulate mental abilities such as learning, reasoning, memory. improve the psycho-emotional state. Vitamins B5 and B9 are important for mental functioning and mental performance in aspects such as concentration, learning, memory, reasoning as well as resistance to stress. Iodine plays a role in brain development. 2.5 Nervous System Vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B3 (Niacin), B12 and Iodine contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. 2.6 Vision Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal vision. Vitamin A is necessary for night vision. Vitamin E contributes to the protection of the retina and lens from damage caused by free radicals. 2.7 Reduction of fatigue Vitamins B3, B5, B9 and B12 contribute to reducing tiredness and fatigue. 2.8 Bones Vitamin K contributes to maintain normal bone structure. to promote bone remineralization. Vitamin K helps reduce bone loss. 2.9 Skin – Mucous membranes Vitamins A and B3 contribute to the maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes. Iodine contributes to the maintenance of normal skin. 2.10 Energy and Vitality Vitamin B3 is necessary for maintaining overall energy and vitality. Vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B12 and Iodine contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism. 2.11 Other allegations Vitamin A contributes to iron metabolism and to maintaining normal iron levels. Vitamin B1 contributes to the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Vitamin B5 contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and certain neurotransmitters. Pantothenic Acid (Vit B5) contributes to macronutrient metabolism. Vitamin B12 plays a role in the process of cell division. Iodine contributes to the production of thyroid hormones and the normal functioning of the thyroid. Iodine contributes to the normal growth of children. Klamath contains many essential and non-essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids, but the values ​​per serving are lower than the minimum recommended values. This does not allow us to justify their benefits here. For your information, in a 2g serving of Klamath Powder, the following elements are present. Vitamin C: 5% Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Iron: 4% Vitamin B6: almost 4% Vitamin B8 (Biotin), Potassium, Calcium: just over 1% Copper: 2% Manganese and Selenium: 3%

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Klamath Sol Semilla

Focus on klamath, the wild blue algae

By @Marie_shaktini , communications manager at Sol Semilla. A rare microalgae The "Klamath", also called "AFA" (from its botanical name: Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae, "the invisible flower of water") is collected from only one place in the world, Klamath Lake in Oregon (USA). Our partner is one of four local companies that share this natural resource. Protecting a unique ecosystem Our supplier, whose facilities we visited, respects the rare periods of the year that are conducive to harvesting in optimal conditions. This notably helps to avoid contamination of AFA by microcystin, another micro-algae, which can be toxic. As market demand has become very strong, some producers harvest over longer periods, thus constantly marketing a lower quality Klamath. Demanding quality criteria Direct import: total traceability We have been working directly with the producer for several years, which ensures optimal quality and traceability. As consumers of klamath, we pay great attention to the drying method used (Liqua Dry's® BioActive Dehydration™) which undoubtedly preserves the 115 nutrients (particularly chlorophyll, vitamin B12, phenylethylamine and amino acids) naturally present in the algae. A double analysis carried out upon each receipt guarantees its purity. Strict quality control In addition to analyses upon receipt, harvesting wild algae requires constant monitoring by our supplier, who is aware of working with a product that grows in a wild environment. The latter carries out checks on the lake water every hour during the harvest period. The high quality of our klamath is also linked to its harvest period – at the time of the coldest waters, in spring and fall. Harvests are done in the spring and fall, a time of year when the waters remain relatively cold, which ensures the quality of our Klamath. Indeed, when the waters of the lake rise in temperature, other toxic micro-algae (microcystin) can appear in certain areas. Market excesses Depending on the brands and distributors, a low price means that there is a risk that it will be cut with other algae (at best Spirulina). Recognizing a quality Klamath Depending on the brands and distributors, a low price means that there is a risk that it will be cut with other algae (at best Spirulina). As with all products, different qualities exist, all stages from harvest to delivery must be taken into account in order to define the quality of the product. Harvest and origin: Do you know any specific harvest periods? Does your dealer work directly with the producer? Analyses and certifications: Can the supplier provide you with complete microbiological analyses, microcystin levels, pesticides, Vincent's bio-electronic tests, complete nutritional values? By following this link you will have access to a detailed technical sheet on the klamath! Traceability: The batch number should allow the reseller to find the batch and the analyses carried out on it in a few minutes. All documents can be sent within the day to the person who requests them. The Sol Semilla sales department is able to send any document on request. The manufacturing method: Clean harvesting methods, a drying process that respects the product, compression and storage in a healthy environment (away from heat and light) are essential to ensure the quality of the final product and its conservation. Sound sales pitch and wise advice: Klamath is a complete algae that acts on the nervous system. The reseller must not oversell the effects of Klamath by specifying that its effects and properties will vary depending on each person. We will always advise you to consult your naturopath.

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