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“Stronger than Lyme”, Article from REGENERE Magazine

Stronger than Lyme

Interview by Jean-David Bol from the Magazine REGENERATED n°14, Detox & Elimination, 01/06/2022

It’s 2019. Marie is 29 years old, lives in the Paris region and has a busy schedule. That year, in the spring, she takes advantage of the beautiful days of June to go camping. But at night, while she’s sleeping, she gets bitten by a tick. The symptoms soon appear.

The very next day, she developed a high fever and headache. “At first, I thought it was sunstroke,” Marie recalls. “So I didn’t take anything and went to bed early because I was going back to work the next day.” On Monday morning, everything seemed to be back to normal at the office, but after lunch, Marie felt unwell and felt the need to go to the toilet. “Then I realized I was urinating blood, so I went to the hospital to have some tests done.” Marie was prescribed an antibiotic for urinary tract infections, but the fever spikes returned and new symptoms appeared: some of her muscles started moving on their own. She didn’t understand what was happening to her, so she went back to see her doctor, who didn’t understand either.

Lyme confirmed

"And then I remember the tick bite that I found behind my leg when I woke up, but which didn't cause me any rash." Marie then asks for a Lyme disease test: the result is positive. She does others to be sure, and they all come back positive. It's official: Marie has Lyme disease. In the weeks that follow, her condition worsens. "It's becoming unbearable: I have very bad headaches, to the point that sometimes I can't even open my shutters. I have inflammatory attacks in my lymph nodes and I suffer from intense joint pain." Marie doesn't eat much anymore and her condition is also declining morally: when she speaks, it takes her time to find her words and sometimes she even has trouble holding her pen. Apart from meals, she no longer has an appetite for anything. Then comes the question of solutions, including antibiotic therapy. "There's no way I'm going to get into this, I know it's going to destroy all my intestinal flora. Fortunately, I have naturopath friends around me and they tell me about natural solutions."

Keto & Detox

With the support and advice of her friends, she started in August: "I started a ketogenic diet to reduce inflammation and symptoms because I realized that they appear after meals, especially when they are too heavy or too sweet." In parallel with this dietary reform, Marie understood that it would be relevant to detoxify her body. So, once a week, she does a castor oil purge and does 45 minutes of infrared sauna, three times a week. "At first, it's very hard, but I want to heal so I do it often. These sauna sessions help me eliminate dead toxins from my body, I come out with red patches all over my body!" Marie also consumes chlorella, this detoxifying algae very rich in chlorophyll, in order to optimize the detox work of the sauna.

Encouraging results

After three months of a strict ketogenic diet and regular detoxes, the young woman noticed some improvement: "My fevers are less severe and I have less pain, to the point that I can do yoga again." She relaxed her diet a little and discovered additional ways to continue her detox: massages with essential oils and sound therapy. "It involves using sounds whose vibrational frequencies kill bacteria," explains Marie. Starting in November, she makes celery juice every morning. "I'm getting better and better! Sometimes, I have pretty violent detox attacks, so much so that I think it's a return of symptoms."

Finally healing

At the beginning of 2020, Marie further expanded her detox range: for a month, she experimented with shiitake capsules and a blend based on oregano essential oil. "After that, I no longer have any symptoms, I feel like my immune system is super powerful!" This is perfectly timed because the end of her treatment coincides with the arrival of covid. It is February 2020 and Marie is over the moon: "I no longer feel anything, I feel cured! Of course, I continue the detox and I know how to manage inflammation and symptoms if they should reappear". She even feels strong enough to try a dry fast for 2-3 days and she gets great benefits from it.

A normal life

Since then, Marie has left the stress of the Paris region to come and live in the sunshine of the south of France. "I don't know if my Lyme disease has disappeared or if it has stabilized, but I have found a normal life!" And to preserve it, she continues her regular detoxes, especially at the start of spring and autumn when she does a cure of Klamath , a microalgae harvested from the lake of the same name, located in Oregon (USA). Very rich in proteins, trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids, this cyanobacteria also contains phycocyanin, beta-carotene and chlorophyll, powerful antioxidants. "Given its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, it is a wonderful accompaniment to detox!"

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