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Plant-based food sol semilla cuisine vegetale

PLANT BASED FOOD, Sol Semilla trendsetter in France

Article by Andrea Marcelli, manager of Sol Semilla.

The mission of Sol Semilla

Since its birth, Sol Semilla has decided to combine superfoods with plant-based and organic cuisine, announcing a conscious diet that is in vogue today and which aims for systemic ethics.

Plant-based, what does it mean?

Plant based is a term that represents more than others today the desire for green, sustainability, respect for the rhythms of nature, food that respects animals, and that perhaps inspires less fear than the word vegan. It is a less frontal term that was born in response to the awareness of the environmental crisis.

A beautiful evolution of consciousness

In the Sol Semilla restaurant, over the years we have seen our clientele evolve. Initially a strictly vegan majority, today it brings together all those who have started to orient their eating habits towards green, managing to limit meat, perhaps once a week compared to several before, to pay more attention to the traceability of distribution circuits.

The term "plant-based," as we understand it today, is a less radical term, without ideological connotations, and perhaps that is why it is becoming increasingly popular. The plant-based diet consists of less refined foods, as natural as possible, with fewer processed products. It favors whole grains, organic or locally grown vegetables. It is a diet that generally concerns a mindful and conscious consumer.

Our commitments

At Sol Semilla we have always strived to build bridges between countries by building a food philosophy focused on protecting biodiversity and promoting local cultures and traditions. It is an orientation that favors small-scale and family food production, without industrial steps, in order to preserve the integrity of ecosystems. All our superfoods respect this philosophy. We integrate them into local, organic, seasonal cuisine.

Plant-based = delicious

But if Sol Semilla has existed for more than ten years, it is also and above all because it has been able to reconcile eco-responsibility with pleasure. Among all the challenges we have had to take up, the most ambitious has always been to show that a plant-based cuisine can be a gourmet, epicurean, friendly cuisine.
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